While guy on youtube had fluent 60fps without drops, whatsoever. I downloaded the game, put same graphic settings like in the video, my fps was double worse - 30fps with massive drops. Example: I saw people playing BF Hardline on High, x900 res. It always performed double worse than expected. I think it's a huge bottleneck for my cpu. What could REALLY cause such annoying stutters? PSU? Hard Drive? Or even GPU? At first I was blaming my GPU the most since I experience some really really disappointing performance with this GPU. If my friend, (not just him, but everybody else in this world who still play this game and have got decent PC as me or my friend, everyone have smooth performance, whatsoever) uses Windows 7 like, we play same and everything. It will arrive in this Tuesday, but I doubt it will help. I wish I could afford 240gb one, but unfortunately my budget is really limited right now. Everyone says to try to avoid 120 vers as much as possible. I should not have bought the 120gb version. So I don't want you to go out blowing your money on a SSD when it MIGHT fix it, then again not. I want to say that your HDD might be creating stuttering when streaming custom map objects and what-not on SA-MP. You had plans to get a SSD? Or was that just a "if it works" plan. I'm not sure on what to suggest since it works so great in Singleplayer. And yes, the 750 Ti is the "pretty" much the same regardless of brand, there might be a bit different clock speeds and cooling solutions, but nothing that is really groundbreaking for performance. You need to enter and exit the menu a lot of times for it to work.