
What has a mouth but never eats
What has a mouth but never eats

Total Number of words Starting with T and ending in T found =379. How many English words start with T and end with T? What am I? The answer is “Fire.” What is the longest T word? The answer to What has a bed but never sleeps and runs but never walks? Riddle Answer is “A river.” What will die if you give it water? The word “teapot” begins with the letter “t” and ends with the letter “t”. The correct answer to What Begins With T Ends With T And Has T in It? Riddle is Teapot and it is logically correct.

what has a mouth but never eats

Riddle: What always runs but never walks, often murmurs, never talks, has a bed but never sleeps, has a mouth but never eats? Answer: A river. However, an echo is only heard when the wind conditions are optimal, so it ‘comes alive with the wind’. Which is why an echo can ‘speak without a mouth and hear without ears’. The answer to the above riddle is, “An echo.” An echo is a reflection of your own voice.

what has a mouth but never eats

The legs of a chair cannot walk they are fixed.

what has a mouth but never eats

It is used for the purpose of sitting on it. Explanation: A chair is an object which has four legs.

What has a mouth but never eats