Most of the options are can be turned on or off, including whether they are immortal or not. Followers will ride horses, make camp, avoid traps, ignore friendly fire, auto relax, auto change into standard/city/home outfit. Manage outfits, spells, combat style, home assignment and level up. The one to use now is Amazing Follower Tweaks by Dheuster Is UFO safe to use and if not what is a good alternative? Now I used to use UFO so I could have multiple followers however, I have heard that UFO is unstable and not good to use anymore so I just thought I'd ask here. Experience Skyrim in a whole new way with professional quality voice acting by the talented Christine Slagman (finalCrystine). The infamous Sofia needs little introduction as she causes trouble across Skyrim. Without further ado, here's the list of uniquely voiced followers I've used in the past:, and lastly, Sasha Belen, Jenny Winglow, and Linda Markley from Sex Slaves (on Lovers Lab).I've been gathering mods for another run through Skyrim recently. Skyrim's most endorsed follower is back for more in Skyrim Special Edition. If you're seeking a lifetime partner in Skyrim, there are fewer companion mods that are better than Kaidan. Vivid Weathers Definitive Edition: A Complete Weather & Visual Overhaul UFO: Ultimate Follower Overhaul.

Some of them have to be ported, but self-port of everyone but Arissa is not terribly difficult, and there are ports of Mour, Velina, Acalypha on non-Nexus sites. follower mods for Oldrim and Skyrim Special Edition. Many of them have their own AI, and thus don't count against either the vanilla limit or any mod-manager limit. Here's a short list of uniquely-voiced female followers for those of you who dislike and/or are tired of vanilla voices.