Not using mods currently, havent really ever played with mods tbh (At lower level some weapons aren't available as legendaries, so hunting rifle is more likely to drop, but legendaries show up less often.) Looks like 38 possible abilities for ballistic weapons (if you have far harbor, 32 otherwise) and the chance for a hunting rifle at level 40+ is 4.046%, so chance for a legendary to be an instigating hunting rifle is: If you have far harbor installed it adds a ton of garbage legendary abilities which makes finding a specific one harder. You probably want an instigating gauss instead of sniper rifle. (Also after a legendary spawns, the game doesn't roll legendary chance for the next 6 mobs that could be legendaries - this is why during settlement attacks which spawn 10 enemies you will never see more than 2 legendaries) (Mods/console commands can make it whatever you want though.) Originally posted by Doombringer:Legendary chance goes up with level (max 20% at level 50+) and difficulty (0.5x on very easy to 1.5x on survival/very hard) - so can be 30%.